Friday, June 22, 2012

2 weeks of creative fun! Decorating Photo Frame with Polymer Clay

I am so pleased to be able to be part of this crafty fun initiated by Alicia from An accidental homeschooling mum!  In this post, my daughter will decorate a photo frame with polymer clay. Since she is 10 years old, she is able to work independently under minimal supervision from me.  

*Polymer clay has a feel of play doh. It has to be oven baked to harden. It is non-toxic and safe for children although a dedicated oven is required (that is, not to be shared with food).*

We are going to decorate this frame with my daughter's (Megan) favorite things! Look at the little baby bear, all ready to be part of our crafting fun too! :)

We selected a variety colors we want to use and condition them - which is all the squishing and squashing, before it is ready to be molded into shapes. Little baby bear just cannot help but pop in for this photo!
Here's what Megan made into shapes - her favorite ice cream cone, a cupcake and flower.

Megan adds her finishing touches to the clay before it is sent to my designated toaster oven for baking. This process is necessary for the clay to harden. Once its cooled down, it is ready to be decorated onto the frame! *I use oven toaster. The usage of oven must be strictly handled by adults*
Here's Megan decorating the clays using blue tack to secure.
This is her end product! With cheeky baby bear and little bunny.
Footnote : I've additional info to share about polymer clay, since I've received quite a few queries. I recommend the brand "premo" if you intend to try out this craft. It's softer and easier to mold on the little hands. However, if you do not wish to invest in an oven toaster to bake your clays, there is another type of air-dry clay you can experiment with though I've not tried them out myself. These air dry clays are light weight and usually in white so you'd have to mix your own colors in with markers etc.  It is available at local major craft stores. 

Join this mommy tomorrow for her Dinosaur-themed craft idea!

Sandra blogs over at, where she chronicles her life as a full-time working mother of two toddler boys. Life is now chock-ful of dinosaurs, trucks and trains... and outsmarting (or being outsmarted) by the two boys. She squeezes in the occasional craft project, board game with the kids... or a plain ol' ice-cream treat!


Blog hop to more mommy bloggers with their creative ideas at these dates! 
June 21 - Alicia @


  1. Love it! Did Megan tell you what items she wanted to make? It's so cute yet so intricate. I like that cupcake and ice cream cones were chosen - yum yum! Is this the same type of clay you use for some of the jewelry pieces too? Do we get them in craft stores? Heh, loads of questions from me!!!

    1. Thanks Alicia! Megan loves to have her desserts so it was really apparent what she wanted to decorate the frame with! :p And yes, its the same clay I use for my beads. :) Some Popular bookstores carry clay products, as well as Art Friend. :)

  2. sweet.. I loved playing with clay as a kid. and she's good with her hand! those designs are intricate. very creative like her mummy :)

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

    1. yes Ai! I remember playing with plasticine and it was so much fun! Thanks for your compliments! <3

  3. She has good hand works, her clay arts are nicely pressed. Where to buy polymer clay?

    1. Thanks for dropping in!! We usually use free hand to make our clay crafts. :) As mentioned in my previous comment, certain popular stores and art friend carries polymer clay products.

  4. Looks great! Is the oven just those ticker timer toaster? Is there any way I can use the same toaster as food, but make sure it doesn't poison my food, like using baking sheet or aluminium foil as the base? I just can't justify buying another oven for clay only, haha... Oh, and how long does it take in the oven?

    1. Hi thanks!! Yes its the small oven toaster that goes "ting!" :p it's better not to share the same oven with cooking food. It's not the laying of the sheet, its the smell that emits from the baking that may "contaminate" the inside of the oven which will not be good if you cook food in it thereafter. It may be a trial and error thing when you send it for baking because the oven may work differently. As a gauge, between 1.5 - 2 minutes.

  5. So nice!!!

    I wanna be your daughter, too! :(

    Great work, Ah Che and Megan!

    1. thanks Reg!! come come, offer me tea and ang pow, you can be my daughter. :p

  6. Megan's really good with the clay! I'm amazed that she didn't use any 'craft-cutters' to make the ice-cream, cupcake etc!

    1. Thanks Xia! yep no cutters for us. Somehow prefer to mould it free hand as we do to most of our clay craft. :)

  7. Megan looks so happy doing the craft! She's got mummy's creative genes :)

  8. After seeing this, I want to make my own children photo frames! This has been added to my to-do list! Great job!


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