Tuesday, May 22, 2012

They ain't heavy. They're my kids.

This year has been particularly challenging. Especially with the boy marking his milestone in PSLE, I find myself constantly reminding him to put in the extra hours to do his revision.  In his term, it is called "nagging".

Call me 'kiasu', but I really can't help but join in the rat race. At a certain point in their primary school life, you will be put in a situation whereby you are reminded that your children need to achieve higher standards. Because if every other student are getting super good grades, then my children who are above average achievers will not be considered that great in nationwide standard. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I can hear many say, "come on, let them enjoy their childhood", but it's really not that simple in this day and age. If it is so easy raising children in Singapore, I think I wouldn't mind having more!

As a parent, I want to see my kiddos successful in their endeavor. When there's a way for us parents to help them achieve their dreams, who wouldn't do it?  I often find myself telling them that the best years of their lives should be when they are still in school, enjoy the camaraderie with friends and earning themselves good enough grades so that they can have a wider choice in deciding what kind of life they want. All they need to do is keep focused and reach for their goal, have faith and learn to be persistent in all their undertakings. 

Now, this is what I deem success.

~~ Image extracted from https://www.facebook.com/grandmaquotes ~~


  1. I can identify with you!

    Although I can't say I know what it's like (I don't!), I do know that the pressure to perform can have a detrimental effect on a lot of children.

    However, that said - academic excellence is all there is in Singapore. If they don't go with the flow, they will lose out in the end, and THEY will be the one to bear the repercussions. So there.

    It's either we follow (and try to keep a measure of sanity) or we move overseas where we can try out a different environment. Not much choice in this matter.

    1. Precisely. There's no choice so might as well join in the race.

  2. We can relax in certain ways but we also have to push them forward in certain areas. Parents... such a difficult n complicated role.

    1. Agree! But we also must try to maximize their potential. You'll never know their hidden talent!

  3. All parents are KS! Just how much or how little only haha. I'm dreading primary 1 man.. Sigh I can imagine the stress...

    1. Madeline, P1 still ok. Let them settle in and enjoy their first year in school. Many schools don't have exams for P1 already so relax. You can start your KS-ness a year later. LOL!

  4. I too find it stressful for parents irregardless of what level the kid is as we want them to get good grades and keep the grades while at the same time have time for friends/ fun and other activities.

    1. Thinking back, I don't think it was so stressful before they started primary 3. It's also not fun when their school streams them to respective standards every year from P3 onwards. I hear once they reach secondary school, they will 90% of their time there... so not looking forward.

  5. I always tell myself that I shall not join in the kiasu mom clan, I don't want to volunteer to get my kid into a primary school, I don't want to be a nagger when it comes to homework and grades... But then again, my kids aren't even close to being in primary one and I'm already worrying about their current preschool status. Staying in Singapore, it just gets to you no matter how hard u try not to be kiasu about academics. Sighhh.

    1. Nadia, I never was like that till they reached mid primary! I was actually quite a relaxed parent. You just cannot run from it. What Regina said is also very true.


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